Junior Scholarship Winner Melissa Takahashi

With this scholarship, I plan to continue my education at Leeward Community College. I have

recently finished my first semester towards my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. After I

graduate in 2023, I aim to further my education at the University of Hawaii to pursue


This semester, I’ve taken Psychology 100 and Educational Psychology 289 along with my

required courses. In Psychology 100, I learned about the history of psychology and the different

views on it: biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and psychoanalytic. Between these

five views, I learned about the two forms of therapies, insight (psychoanalytic/humanistic) and

habit (behavioral/cognitive). Overall, insight was my favorite because it explores the

subconscious mind, teaches people to understand themselves better, and improves relationships.

This form of psychotherapy differs from habit therapy which is often biomedical but is equally

as intriguing in how it centers on why people think or act a certain way. Through this unit, I

enjoyed learning about psychological disorders, symptoms, and disorders on a molecular level.

Through mental health services, I plan on becoming a psychotherapist, psychologist, or school

counselor/psychologist. Many psychologists and therapists offer an eclectic approach, a

combination of insight and habit therapies, and I will most likely pursue this route.

Educational Psychology taught me different types of learning styles and how it relates to

psychology. It covered cognitive psychology, writing lesson plans, and how to utilize

conditioning and learning theories, which apply to students in a classroom setting or patients

through teaching them coping strategies or working through trauma. I am planning to get my

Bachelors in psychology regardless, but I am considering getting a teaching certification if I

pursue secondary teaching instead. Even if I choose to be an intermediate or high school teacher,

it can benefit the medical field. Teachers are mandated reporters and vital in detecting the mental

health and wellbeing of children. Noticing specific behavior can help a child receive a mental

health diagnosis or remove them from an unsafe or abusive environment.

Continuing my studies, I strive to better my knowledge of psychology and use my college

education to help the communities future through education or mental health help and awareness.